Get In The Picture
We’ve gotten clients coverage on The Today Show, Good Morning America, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CNN and so many more. There’s no benefit to your firm being invisible. Let us help you uncover the story and get the coverage you deserve…today!
Use The Elephant Of Surprise
Er…is that the “right” end of the elephant or the “wrong” end? Whichever it is, it’s certainly a surprise! The media is deluged with hundreds of messages every day. The element of surprise can help your message stand out.
Punch Above Your Weight Class
The great thing about public relations is it can make your firm look larger — and perhaps more important — than it really is. This levels the playing field for your small business.
Boost an Existing Campaign
Say you’re already spending $100,000 on an advertising or direct mail campaign. Why not spend a little extra to amplify that message? It’s certainly something to think about. If you’re trying to make a sale, studies say it takes at least 8 contacts to close the deal. Increase your impact now.
Find Your “Burning Car”
Late night host Stephen Colbert recently ran a funny segment promoting a product called “Car-A-Fire.” This product inserted a blazing car into all your media events to make sure your issues got the attention they deserved. (See video to the right if you want a good laugh!) Every company has its own burning car — or can create one through clever and inexpensive opinion polls or funny, offbeat approaches. Why wait? Do it today!
Contact us.
Jeff Barge
(773) 485 3884
1435 W. 117th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44107